Media Appearances
Performance Highlights
Contemporary American Theatre Festival

As Mei Li, the international hacker with a dark family secret, Alexandra Palting provides a calm in the eye of the storm

Ushuaia Blue has the potential to inspire and to open up our senses in ways we haven't even tried before.
Labor Heritage Foundation
Imagination Stage
Working in DC is the sort of truthful theater that may prompt one to reflect on one’s own truth — the experience of one’s own workaday work life. It’s also the sort of honest theater that makes plain the work it took to make it. After months of pandemic-imposed unemployment in the theater community, this outdoor production is a bold showcase of arts workers at work.

Alexandra Palting...very admirably portrays Davy's conflicted mother in Dickens's Davy Copperfield.

Each performer is a standout, hailing from heavy-hitting productions... dynamic actors all. To get this incredible range of performers is reason enough to see the show.
Olney Theatre Center

Alexandra Palting (Liat) pours a war’s worth of emotion into her brief encounters with Lt. Cable (Alex Prakken). Eager, sweet, passionate, a somewhat stubborn child/woman, Palting’s performance is impressive – especially for a character... with very little dialogue.

Chesapeake Shakespeare Company
This is a living, vibrant Alice ... It is an Alice that actively engages, thoroughly entertains and fascinates audiences of all ages. It is not a kiddie show. It’s a must-see show.

Best Actress in a Play with Music (Equity)
BroadwayWorld Baltimore, 2018

Alexandra Palting... perfectly presented Alice’s conflicting confusion and awe with the new world she had entered.
Imagination Stage

Best TYA Production
Helen Hayes Awards,
Not only is the cast able to settle well into their roles, but they are also able to keep up with the Bollywood style choreography and singing. Standouts in this cast abound. Swaminathan's Razia and Palting's Rani are scene stealers especially when they are on stage together.

The Keegan Theatre
The give-and-take has a musical swing...The acting is sensitive and intelligent.
The director and ensemble pinpoint the rhythms of community — the support, commiseration, and competitiveness — that Churchill’s script captures so well.

[The] unflagging ensemble makes cracking open the Pandora’s Box of Churchill’s masterwork look easy.
Palting perfectly captures... Lady Nijo and 19th century headhunter Win. [With] a formidable cast, this show is a must-see.

Pallace Theatre Collective

The cast list is an actual rogues’ gallery... Sara Jane Moore (Karen Lange) and Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme (Alex Palting)... have some of the funniest scenes together in the show. Palting as Fromme and Rieland as Hinkley are paired in a marvelous duet...It’s weird but it works. Which well can be said of the whole show.

[The] cast... performs Sondheim's intricate score with power and much cynicism. There are a few standout performances... Alex Palting as Lynette 'Squeaky' Frome in her duet with Taylor Rieland (as John Hinckley) on "Unworthy of Your Love."